Islam uses the #deception known as #Taqiyya in the West and many, especially politicians and cultural Christians who don’t know Islam are deceived. #Taqiyya’ means #lying. Muslims are allowed to lie in 3 circumstances according to #Sharia. The most important lie is a lie to Kafirs(non-Muslims)
to make them accept Islam. #Taqiyya is
a form of #Jihad where Islam cannot chop the heads of persons who oppose it like in Islamic countries.
The others where lies allowed in Islam are to make Your women happy and to escape from harm.

Note that because lying is a sin in #Christianity, many cultural Christians who heard from political correctness propagators that Islam is one of the Abrahamic religions are easily deceived by Islamists.

The truth is Islam is the enemy of Abrahamic religions which are Jews &Christianity. The Islamic plan is to delete the Judeo-Christian culture that civilized the world.

Being righteous and rich is a big threat to the devil. That is why he wants the followers of Jesus to be out of wealth and advise others to get wealth through evil ways. That is why the love of Money is the root of all evil. Note that, it is not the money but the love of money.

The followers of Jesus must work hard to eliminate the evil way the devil is giving money to people to multiply its followers.

Some of the ways the devil gives money to people are corruption, illegal drug selling, prostitution, pornography, war, lies and deception, witchcraft, stealing and abuse of power.

To all who want to know:-

Isa in the Quran is not Jesus. Of course, he is the enemy of Jesus. Don’t fall for the deception of Islam.

Isa is the false prophet prepared to be revealed in the last days to deceive many. People who are deceived can easily be taken by the devil’s agenda of false Jesus.

In many Islamic writings, Isa’s job is to crush the crosses, (destroy Churches) to bring Christians to Islam and to help Mahadi, the man of Satan, expected to be the man explained in the book of Revelation chapter 13.

To know Jesus, what disciples who were with him had written is quite enough. and today holy spirit will tell You who Jesus is.

The information about Jesus from a man like Muhaammed an illiterate who was born 500 years after Jesus cannot be the right information by any means.

Protect Yourself from deception.

Protestant reformation changed the world to good

The Protestant Reformation is have shaped major features of Western culture, including freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, the dignity of the individual, and political democracy.

The Protestant Reformation led to modern democracy, capitalism, individual rights, civil rights, and many of the modern values we cherish today. The Protestant Reformation impacted nearly every academic discipline, notably the social sciences like economics, philosophy, and history.

Worshipping in all languages and respect of all cultures. Religion should not hate the culture but exists in the culture of the society. This change brought the equality movement we see today enforcing languages of gods to be changed. e.g
• catholic language-Latin,
• Islam language-Arabic and •Orthodox language in Ethiopia-Geeze.
Similar changes happened in many cultures.

The separation of state and religion is also part of the protestant reformation.

Religious States cannot represent all citizens equally. That is what We see in Islamic countries. Some are changing their laws to become secular states taking experiences from the reformation.

Believe it or not, Protestant ideology which is copied from the Gospel/Bible/ has been the founder of the modern world and still leading it.

No country is free from the impact of the protestant reformation in one way or another because it is the restoration of the right idea how God created humanity. Freedom and liberty is given to human being from God until the judgement day. Any religion or theocratic states enforcing people to religion are against the charactor of the true God.

What is Religious Syncretism

“Religious syncretism,” the merging of different religious practices in the name of cultural integration is the devil project against Biblical Christian values.

Those who are deceived by this project are living a confused life without a plan and goal. They live Chameleon life. Such people cannot be the light of the world which Jesus explained to his followers. To be the light of the world, You have to be persistent in the values that make You light.

Far away from Religious syncretism if you want a purposeful goal-oriented life.

Questions for Atheists

Question for Atheists:-

If You don’t believe in God because there is no proof that there is God in your belief,
Have You proved that there is no God?

If You can’t prove that there is no God, atheism is rebellion based on lies. Of course, it was written in the holy Bible 3000 years ago that Atheism is foolishness. It is written in Psalm 14:1.

Humans have the right to believe whatever they want, that right is given to us by God because trust in God is for our benefit, it is not to benefit God.

Speculating there is no God while You can’t even add a minute to your life, is hatred and blasphemy to the most high God who is Your creator and your provider.

The God You don’t believe his existence is enabling You to live by his mercy and grace.

He is the God who was revealed to humanity through Jesus Christ 2000 years ago and today, He is being revealed through the holy spirit for those who want him.

No matter what country they live in, the structures of Satan work together. The methods they use are different.

In the countries of the Eastern world, they colonize and kill people in the name of religion and politics. They produce terrorists, declare hatred and torture humanity.

In the western world, brainwashing programs that seem like entertainment and kill people’s spirits in the name of human rights. They colonize people’s minds.

In the countries of the northern world, they shed people’s blood by mistaken politics.

In the countries of the southern world, they exploit poverty, ignorance, bigotry and disagreements to put people and countries in trouble.

Freedom from this deception of Satan and peace of mind can only be achieved by following the knowledge of God’s Word revealed through the Lord Jesus.

Russia and the Western power unity for global peace

Title: “Forging a Global Peace Alliance: The Imperative Friendship Between Russia and the West”

In an era marked by geopolitical tensions and uncertainties, the prospect of fostering a robust friendship between Russia and the West emerges as a beacon of hope for global peace. Rather than succumbing to adversarial relations, the idea of these two powerful entities uniting to defend peace worldwide holds significant promise.

Historically, both Russia and Western nations have played pivotal roles in shaping the geopolitical landscape. By transcending historical grievances and embracing cooperation, these entities can form a formidable alliance capable of addressing pressing global challenges.

The first compelling reason for this alliance is the sheer influence that Russia and the West collectively wield on the international stage. United, they can leverage their diplomatic, economic, and military capabilities to broker peace in conflict zones, foster economic stability, and counter common threats like terrorism and pandemics.

Moreover, a friendship between Russia and the West has the potential to quell regional conflicts that often escalate into global threats. By combining their diplomatic efforts, they can mediate in regional disputes, offering a united front against the forces that threaten stability.

Economically, a collaborative approach can lead to mutual benefits for both parties. Trade partnerships, technological exchanges, and joint investment initiatives can not only bolster the economies of Russia and the West but also contribute to the prosperity of other nations. Economic interdependence often serves as a deterrent to conflict, providing a strong incentive for maintaining peaceful relations.

On the security front, a cooperative stance ensures a more effective response to common challenges. Whether it’s addressing cybersecurity threats, countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or jointly tackling transnational crime, the combined capabilities of Russia and the West create a robust defense against emerging dangers.

Furthermore, an alliance between Russia and the West sends a powerful message to the rest of the world – a message of unity, cooperation, and commitment to peace. Such a stance could inspire other nations to prioritize diplomacy over aggression, fostering a global environment where conflicts are resolved through dialogue rather than confrontation.

In conclusion, the friendship between Russia and the West holds immense potential for global peace. By capitalizing on their collective strengths, these entities can create a more stable and secure world, demonstrating that cooperation transcends historical differences. The imperative is clear: for the sake of a harmonious world, Russia and the West must strive for friendship, recognizing that together they can defend peace more effectively than by standing divided.

South Africa or Hamas Africa?

I didn’t know #South_African leftists and #extremist_black_nationalists had such political stupidity mind that made them fall into the #Islamic_terrorist box. This is why the colour of kin-based nationalism is the failed ideology from the beginning. Be sure that all Israel’s enemies will fail.
I love Israel,
I pray for the children of Arabs radicalized by Islamic ideologies to wake up to the deception of Islam and learn to live in harmony with others.

Is the entertainment industry entertaining or destroying people?

One of the satanic structures that deceives people under the guise of entertainment and culture is the #nightclub.

Most things taken as entertainment are the cause of depression, anxiety and sexual immorality in today’s world. Alcoholism, illegal drugs, pagan music, pornographic films and unwanted games that harm the generation are linked to the entertainment industry.

Something legal does not mean it is good or right.

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